Thursday, September 03, 2009

An Open Letter to Antonio Villaraigosa

It's always an honor to receive an email from the Mayor, especially when it includes an invitation to a party. But I was dismayed to open the most recent invite, only to discover that the Mayor simply can't get away from encouraging bad behavior and ignoring the city's real transportation solutions, those who take mass transit, those who walk and those who ride their bikes.

Attached is San Antonio's invitation and my reply.


Hello Friends,

This month is Latino heritage month, and I just wanted to invite you to take part in the exciting opening ceremonies we have planned for this Friday, September 4th, at City Hall.

The ceremonies will be featuring Brazilian dance and samba music, food, and special honorees Jaime Escalante, Sheila E., and Jimmy Smits.

Latino Heritage Month is an opportunity for all Angelenos to learn and share the creativity and enterprising spirit that have been the hallmark of the City of Angels since its foundation. I hope you’ll join me Friday and celebrate the vibrant culture that has helped make Los Angeles the greatest city in the world.

The event is completely free but please RSVP at Parking is also available. Here’s all the information you need:

What: 2009 Latino Heritage Month Celebration: "Embracing Our Roots & Cultures: the Tapestry that Built Los Angeles"

When: Friday, September 4th, 10am -12:15pm

Where: City Hall Council Chambers followed by Program and Reception on the South Lawn


Parking: when RSVPing, request parking and include the following information.

Driver's Name
Vehicle Make
License Plate Number

Parking is located at 201 N. Los Angeles Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012

I look forward to celebrating Latino Heritage Month with you!

Antonio Villaraigosa


Dear Mayor Villaraigosa,

It would be great if you could set a sustainable transportation standard for the city by making sure that all invitations to city sponsored events include Mass Transit, Bicycle and Pedestrian instructions.

You've probably never watched as pedestrians approach the "real" front of City Hall for the first time, frustrated when they realize that the public enters through the "service" entrance.

Likewise, you've probably never watched cyclists circling the block for the first time, looking for the bike racks that don't exist.

As for Mass Transit, stand at the Civic Center Red Line stations (2) sometime and watch people come from underground, circling around and looking for City Hall, a big building not readily visible to the disoriented. (Wayfinding opportunity!)

Anyway, the event looks great, it's just too bad that the invitation encourages people to bring their cars downtown!


p.s. Seriously, how is that traffic congestion relief plan coming along?

photo (top) by Zach Behrens photo (bottom) by Mr. Rollers

1 comment:

Erik G. said...

You know darn well that if Tony rode a bike, he would mess up that perfect beautiful hairdo.